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We invite you to sign up for our large library of on-demand Bible study videos. 



Adult Bible class

Sundays   |   9:15am   |      TLO Gym

This Sunday morning Bible study in the gym will be a longer look at the Lessons read in worship. Join Pastor Kroonblawd on this journey exploring the assigned readings for each Sunday through November 24. Bring your Bible! Click for more info.

Adult Bible class

Sundays   |   9:15am   |      TLO Conference Room

That The World May Know. 

This video-based Bible study series filmed in Israel reveals archaeological evidence that affirms the truth of the Bible and gives us historical and cultural contexts to better understand the people and places in the Bible.  Teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan provides us keen insights into the scriptures to guide our study. This Bible study is lead by Jim Kohn.

Proverbs—a Living Way Bible study

Mondays      |   10:00am       |     TLO Conference Room

A Thrilling Experience Awaits You! The Book of Proverbs, though about 3,000 years old, is wondrously up to date. It furnishes pragmatic, ethical, and religious counsel for everyday living. Its pithy sayings are permeated with elegant advice, sound judgment, the distillation of experience, and Spirit-given directives for right living. Come join this lively discussion!

The Truth Project

Wednesdays      |   7:00pm       |     TLO Conference Room

The Truth Project is a video-based Bible study from Focus on the Family that looks at life from a biblical perspective. There are 13 engaging video sessions on the relevance and importance of living the Biblical worldview in daily life. Join us for this compelling study. No registration or RSVP required. 



Young Adult's Bible Study

Third Thursdays   |   7:00pm   |   TLO

Being a young adult isn’t easy – it’s a strange, transitory time in your life. It’s a time when we need solid friends, personal growth, and God’s wisdom more than ever. You will find all those and more through Trinity Lone Oak's young adult ministry because God knows we need it. Young adults 25-35 are invited to our monthly gatherings on the 3rd Thursday of the month for good drinks & discussion. In B.R.E.W. we're all about Building Relationships and Exploring the Word. Questions? Contact the church office.


Men's Bible Study

Wednesdays   |   6:30am   |   Conference Room

We are studying the book of Romans with commentary by Martin Luther.  Luther's commentary is very verbose and can be intimidating.  However, the book, Reading Romans with Luther, allows us to step into his writings and teachings that call us to return to the pure gospel message of "grace alone" through "faith alone."  It offers highlights from Luther’s commentary and further explains how these themes are relevant to our lives today. Join us!


Women of the Word (WOW) Bible Study

most Fridays     |     9:00am     |     TLO Conference Room

"The Intersection of Church and State"

Produced by Lutheran Hour Ministries, this is the Bible study of Women of the Word this winter. Short videos, plus Bible verses and much discussion, will be added to our fellowship and prayers. Any women are welcome to join us.

Women's Bible Study

Saturdays, once or twice monthly  |   9:00-10:00am     

Using a book by Wendy Blight, we will study the first letter of John.  Wendy states that she wrote the study for all women who crave to truly understand,  walk confidently in and live out God’s unconditional, extravagant, lavish love because His Love truly changes everything.  John also makes it clear that Christ was true man and true God – and that there is a connection in how we live our lives because of our faith. Please join us in this journey!


Privileged to Pray

First day of the month   |   6:30pm   |   in home

Our group sets apart the first day of every month for wonderful fellowship and a dedicated hour of prayer.  Open to singles and couples, we welcome men and women of all ages. Bring your Bible and a heart ready for prayer. Contact the church office for in-home location.

Moms in Prayer

Meeting monthly    |     schedule eclectic 

You’re invited to join with TLO other moms to pray on behalf of your child(ren), their teachers and school. Contact the church office for our monthly schedule.

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