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Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever.


These words were inscribed on a document placed inside the first church built by the congregation of Trinity Lone Oak Lutheran Church.  These words remind us that while things on earth change, God's Word of grace and forgiveness in the Gospel of Christ never change. We strive to accept responsibility to expand the preaching and teaching of God’s Word in all its truth and purity. Founded in 1880, our church has been a landmark in Eagan. The first church building was dedicated in 1882 and served the members for over 20 years. The second church, plus numerous additions and upgrades have served the congregation for over one hundred years. The beautiful stained glass windows of our church remind us all of the peace found in Christ.

Shortly after the founding of the church, provisions were made for the education of the member’s children. We still consider teaching to be an important mission of the church. Christ said, “Let the little children to come unto me; and do not hinder them for to such belongs the Kingdom of God.” Mark 10:14.


God truly has been good, loving and faithful for generations, and promises to be faithful to every future generation through Christ.

Church Milestones

1880  Congregation formed; Early worship
          services held in the home of John
          Rahn and in the public school next to
          the John Wagenknecht farm

1881  Meeting to start first church

1881  Official Organization with elections

1881  Cornerstone of first church laid

1882  Dedication of first church

1887  Purchase of land for Parsonage

1890  First parsonage built

1890  First separate school built

1893  Addition to first school

1901  First church destroyed by fire

1902  Dedication of second church

1905  Purchase of church bell

1908  Enlargement of first school

1910  Establishment of daughter Church
          (Christ at Nichol’s Landing)

1914  Purchase of first pipe organ (Kilgren)

1926  Teacherage built

1930  50th Anniversary Celebration

1940  Religious release-time started

1949  Second parsonage built

1951  Purchase of release-time building

1954  Cornerstone of second school laid

1954  Dedication of second school

1954  Tunnel between second school &
          church built

1954  Old school and parsonage sold

1955  75th Anniversary Celebration

1964  New entryway added to church

1971  Third school built

1973  Rev. Dr. J.A.O. Preuss, President of 
          the LCMS preaches at TLO, 
          commemorating 125th Anniversary
          of the LCMS

1975  95th Anniversary Celebration

1979  Teacherage sold

1980  Parsonage sold

1980  Renovation of inside of church

1980  Purchase of new pipe organ (Hunt)

1980  100th Anniversary Celebration

1983  100th Anniversary of Trinity Lone Oak
          Lutheran School

1987  Revisions to Constitution adopted

1992  Dedicated expanded sanctuary,
          multi-purpose room, meeting room
          and offices

2000  Expansion of the organ

2004  School fire

2004  Dedication of Shepherd stained glass

2005  125th Anniversary Celebration

2005  Rededication of baptismal font
          (Originally donated by John Rahn)

2015  Hwy 55 expanded from four to six
          lanes; lost left turn entrance and exit

2015  City of Eagan approves a Final Plat to
          create one lot on 9.5 acres.  Move
          from “Meets and Bounds“ to platting
          paid by Verizon in preparation
          for cell tower 

2016  Cell tower with white cross raised on

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