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November sermon series

Sun, Nov 21



November sermon series
November sermon series

Time & Location

Nov 21, 2021, 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM

Eagan, 2950 Hwy 55, Eagan, MN 55121, USA

About the Event

Using Wealth Wisely: Insights from Proverbs

Wealth. We all have it. The United States of America is the most economically prosperous country in the history of the world. By any historical comparative, or crossnational measure, we enjoy unprecedented wealth. In comparison to the rest of the world we are all rich! If you live in a house you are in the top 3% of the world’s population. If you have a car, you’re in the top 6%.

How can we use our wealth wisely? The book of Proverbs answers this question like no other book in the Bible. If we only studied Genesis, we might conclude that God always prospers his people. If we only looked at Amos, we might think that all rich people are oppressors. But Proverbs looks at wealth from several angles. And because Proverbs is a book of general maxims, the principles in Proverbs are more easily applied to us today.

After an overview of Proverbs on Nov. 7, the Sunday morning Adult Bible Class will take a decidedly practical turn. On Nov. 14 and 21 we will look at what Proverbs says about topics like, saving money and the dangers of consumer debt.

Join us for these sermons and studies as we learn how to use our God-given wealth more wisely—for his glory and the advancement of Christ’s Gospel.

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